
AI Business School's AI Adoption Platform is used by tens of thousands of users across more than 100 large, industry-leading enterprises around the world and across all industries

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What customers say

Within 7 weeks, we trained our pilot group in GenAI - and the results were excellent: the pilot group developed more than 100 optimization and innovation ideas while achieving a productivity increase of up to 25% and a 7:1 ROI. In the next phase, we will focus on implementing selected projects and ensuring that Kardex remains an industry leader in AI.

Adrian Guertner

Global Head of Corporate Marketing & Communication | Kardex

Kardex is a publicly-listed global industry partner for storage solutions

AI encompasses a wide range of tools and possibilities that are not always easy to apply to your own requirements. The AI Business School provided us with the theoretical background and showed us the relevant technological developments. It helped us to develop our own solutions based on specific use cases from various industries.

Franz Steiger

CFO | Swiss Railways SBB

SBB is a leading European mobility provider with +35'000 employees

AI Business School is the ideal partner with leading experts and practitioners from leading national and international companies. During our initiative, we collected incredibly interesting use cases for the usage of AI, data and automation coming from the employees via the idea sourcing tool. After prioritizing the most relevant ones, we were enabled to ​directly start with pilots to transfer the learnings and ideas into practice.

Adrian Bolliger

CEO | Datwyler IT Infra

Datwyler IT Infra is an international IT infrastructure provider founded in 1915

Within just three months, we significantly advanced the AI literacy of our global workforce. The scalable SaaS solution by AI Business School was perfect to make this challenging task possible without undermining our needs for customization.​

Raymond Schnidrig

CTO | Partners Group

Partners Group is a leading global private equite firm with USD 150 billion assets under management

The AI Business School training programs de-mystify AI and make it tangible and rational for application for every day work as well as to business processes. The trainings perfectly guide your workforce towards unleashing the creative power in your organization.​

Manuel Gerres

Chief Transformation Advisor | SAP

SAP is a multinational enterprise software provider with +230 million global cloud users

As the Head of Human Resources, it is particularly important for me to understand the future developments of our business and the challenges our employees and managers are facing. Through the interactive and flexible training I completed with AI Business School, I feel much more confident and articulate about new technologies.

Udo Franszisi

Head of HRM | DB Fernverkehr

DB Fernverkehr is a leading mobility provider in 14 European countries

AI and robotics represent strategic success factors for efficiency and the creation of competitive advantage. The unique online courses of the AI Business school perfectly address the needs of both leading companies and top talents to prepare themselves for our digital future.

Frank Marthaler

Former Member of the executive board | Swiss Post

Swiss post powers Switzerland by moving goods, information, assets and people

We at EDAG Group are convinced that AI as a technology is indispensable for value creation. The AI Business School offers a fully comprehensive and adapted format for departments all the way up to top management. We were able to successfully complete the first pilot phase in the area of executives, and further pilots will follow. We look forward to further cooperation.

Jacek Burger

Team Leader Software & Digitalization | EDAG Group

EDAG is a leading interational engineering services provider

Customer testimonial - Partners Group

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Customer testimonial - Kardex